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Questions de communication is a biannual (double-blind) peer-reviewed  academic journal that promotes deepening or renewing of approaches on a theme – issue’s subject – through contributions referring to different scientific traditions. Based on pluralism, it provokes debates on concepts and methods used in works dealing with information-communication (Exchanges, Research Notes). At last, paying attention to an international dimension, it aims an increase of knowledge circulation and of comparative dynamics, including the rubric In Original Version, Focus and reviews of French and foreign books. Proceedings are published in Questions de communication • série actes series.
As soon as an issue is published, the introductions more the Book Reviews are available in full text and open access.
Journal supported by the Centre de recherche sur les médiations (Université de Lorraine)

Latest issue
44 | 2023
La diplomatie publique à l’heure des réseaux

La diplomatie publique à l’heure des réseaux. Mutations des stratégies et pratiques internationales d’influence médiatique
Public Diplomacy in a Networked World. The Changing Strategies and Practices of International Media Influence

The Issue deals with public diplomacy on the age of networks. The Exchange section concludes a discussion on the urgency of research and research in urgency. The four Research Notes explore digital pedagogy in schools, a method for analyzing audiences, transmission of memory, and figure of the narcissistic pervert. In Original Version presents a classic English-language article on the construction of stereotypes. The Focus section looks at Donald l’imposteur ou l’impérialisme raconté aux enfants by Ariel Dorfman and Armand Mattelart. Finally, Reading Notes report on more of 70 publications.


Call for papers - open

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